Module 10 — Happiness with Your Career / Work

What’s Your Ikigai?

How well does your career/work line up with your core values? We’ll start there and if you’re finding your job really doesn’t honor your core values, then you’ll want to look at your Ikigai, your “reason for being.” We’ll work through the four quadrants of your Ikigai and you may very well discover all sorts of new things about yourself!

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot / Mary Ann Evans
Photo by Sam Bark on Unsplash


Growth Work

  1. How Well are You Honoring Your Core Values? – page 81
  2. Ikigai Reference – page 82
  3. Ikigai Worksheets – pages 83 & 84
  4. Module 10 Insights & Actions – page 85
  5. Daily Journaling – pages 86 & 86
  6. One Big Takeaway – page 132