How do those questions make you feel? Do you identify with them? Do you wonder if you’re really living the life you are called to live? Coaching provides a safe space to figure out your answers to life’s questions.
Is Coaching Right for Me?
Do you feel like you’ve settled?
You thought there would be more to life than this, didn’t you?
Do you have enough energy?
Some days, it’s a struggle...
Are you living for the weekend?
That’s normal, right? Can it be better???
Have you set your dreams aside?
Are you really the person you want to be? Are you living the life you want to live?
Are you waiting for happiness?
I’ll be happy when... I get a pay raise, the kids are grown, we move to a new house…
How do those questions make you feel? Do you identify with them? Do you wonder if you’re really living the life you are called to live? Coaching provides a safe space to figure out your answers to life’s questions.
So, Is Coaching Right For You?
I believe coaching is valuable for every person in every season of their life. But, not every person is ready for coaching. Here’s a quick quiz to help you figure out if Transformation Coaching is right for you in this season.

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.– Harold Whitman
Rank each question YES, NO, or MAYBE
Want to Know More?
Check out the complimentary Breakthrough Coaching Session. I’ll tell you, this one coaching call is going to shift your perspective, open your eyes, and change how you view the world. It’s free. Check it out!