According to research, almost half of us feel deeply lonely. Additionally, two in every five Americans say they don’t have meaningful relationships and 27% of us feel like no one really understands us. We are not alone in our loneliness.
What is Conquering Loneliness Coaching?
Conquering Loneliness Coaching has two parts: internal and external. We'll look at your inner thoughts and limiting beliefs. What internal narratives are fostering your loneliness? What gremlin voices are reinforcing your beliefs about your loneliness.
We’ll evaluate the existing relationships in your life and create a vision for the circles and tribes you want and need in your life. We’ll spend time looking at your fears and other emotions attached to this process. And then, we’ll set actions for you to achieve your your vision.
Who is Conquering Loneliness Coaching for?
Conquering Loneliness Coaching is best for people who feel isolated and lonely, regardless of how many others are around them, people who find it difficult to make and maintain friendships, people who struggle to find their tribe.
Conquering Loneliness Coaching is appropriate for everyone: teenagers or adults; men, women, non-binary, trans, whatever. If you consistently feel lonely and isolated, if you wish you had a bigger or more supportive circle, then it’s time to conquer your loneliness and start living!
Conquering Loneliness Coaching is appropriate for everyone: teenagers or adults; men, women, non-binary, trans, whatever. If you consistently feel lonely and isolated, if you wish you had a bigger or more supportive circle, then it’s time to conquer your loneliness and start living!
Why is Conquering Loneliness Important?
Loneliness has a measurable impact on our physical and mental health. There have been tons of studies that show all these different ways loneliness directly impacts our health.
Here are a few:
• Feeling chronically lonely is as bad for your physical health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
• Loneliness is worse than obesity, and can shorten your lifespan by 8 years.
• Lonely people have higher rates of heart disease, job burnout, chronic illnesses, and back pain.
• Lonely people don’t sleep as well and have higher levels of circulating stress hormones.
Here are a few:
• Feeling chronically lonely is as bad for your physical health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
• Loneliness is worse than obesity, and can shorten your lifespan by 8 years.
• Lonely people have higher rates of heart disease, job burnout, chronic illnesses, and back pain.
• Lonely people don’t sleep as well and have higher levels of circulating stress hormones.
Time: 1.5 – 2 hours per week for 12 weeks
Money: $1000/month for 3 months
Time: 1.5 – 2 hours per week for 12 weeks
Money: $1000/month for 3 months
How Does Conquering Loneliness Coaching Work?
Each week, you’ll have growth work to do to prepare for your next coaching session. And each coaching session has a particular focus. The list below is the basic structure for this coaching package, BUT we will adjust whatever we need to in order for you to get the maximum benefit from your coaching.
There may be topics listed below that simply don't apply to you so we will shift those weeks to other things. Or you may have a particular area that you want to spend more time on. Or, the process below may fit you perfectly and we’ll follow it to the letter. We’ll work together to make this coaching as effective as possible just for you!
Wondering how lonely you really are?
Take the assessment and see how you compare with other people.
Week 1
Coaching: Intro to Conquering Loneliness; Your Personal Loneliness Scale
Growth Work: Complete Energy Leadership Assessment
Growth Work: Complete Energy Leadership Assessment
Week 2
Coaching: Review Energy Leadership Assessment Results
Growth Work: Core Values Worksheet
Growth Work: Core Values Worksheet
Week 3
Coaching: Core Values
Growth Work: Labels and Narratives Journaling
Growth Work: Labels and Narratives Journaling
Week 4
Coaching: Labels and Internal Narratives
Growth Work: Limiting Beliefs Journal
Growth Work: Limiting Beliefs Journal
Week 5
Coaching: Limiting Beliefs
Growth Work: Gremlins Journaling
Growth Work: Gremlins Journaling
Week 6
Coaching: Your Inner Gremlins
Growth Work: Circles and Tribes Worksheet
Growth Work: Circles and Tribes Worksheet
Week 7
Coaching: Circles and Tribes – Evaluating the existing relationships in your life
Growth Work: Circles & Tribes Vision Exercise
Growth Work: Circles & Tribes Vision Exercise
Week 8
Coaching: Circles and Tribes – Creating a Vision
Growth Work: Emotions Vision Exercise
Growth Work: Emotions Vision Exercise
Week 9
Coaching: Circles & Tribes – Attaching Emotions
Growth Work: Fear Setting Exercise
Growth Work: Fear Setting Exercise
Week 10
Coaching: Fear Setting
Growth Work: Actions Worksheet
Growth Work: Actions Worksheet
Week 11
Coaching: Two Steps Forward – Setting Actions
Growth Work: Life Vision Exercise
Growth Work: Life Vision Exercise
Week 12
Coaching: Accountability and Progress
It’s time to conquer your loneliness
Loneliness can kill you. Quite literally, according to the stats. Plus, it just sucks to feel lonely. Let’s move you into a healthier way of living in community with your tribe.